Govt discusses cattle breeding development in Kazakhstan

NUR-SULTAN. KAZINFORM Prime Minister Askar Mamin has chaired today a meeting for discussing the development of cattle breeding in the country. Minister of Agriculture Saparkhan Omarov reported on measures taken to increase the number of cattle and beef production as well as regions' potential for the development of beef cattle breeding,

According to preliminary data, in 2019 gross output of livestock products in the republic amounted to 2,306 billion tenge, which is 12.5% ​​more against the corresponding period of 2018.

The number of cattle increased by 4% to 7.4 million heads, horses — by 6.8% to 2.8 million heads, poultry — by 2% to 44.3 million heads, sheep — by 2, 7% to 16.9 million animals, camels — by 3.5% to 214.8 thousand animals, pigs — by 2.9% to 822.2 thousand.

Production in slaughter weight of poultry meat increased by 16% to 223 thousand tons, beef — by 5% to 501.4 thousand tons, horse meat — by 4.3% to 132 thousand tons, lamb — by 0.8% to 152 thousand tons, pork — by 0.3% to 86 thousand tons.

In 2019, 115.7 billion tenge was allocated to subsidize the development of livestock breeding and increase the productivity of the industry. 840 family farms received loans for the purchase of 82.2 thousand head of cattle.

The implementation of the agreement on the principles of participation in the development of the modern agro-multi-protein industry in Kazakhstan, signed in December 2019 with the American company Tyson Foods, will give a great impetus to the development of livestock farming. The first stage aims at construction of a modern meat processing complex with the capacity of about 2 thousand heads per day. The enterprise will not only meet the needs of the Kazakhstani market, but also export products to foreign markets, helping to ensure the country's annual agricultural profit of more than $1 billion.

The meeting participants discussed measures to increase the number of livestock, its productivity, ensure the loading of feedlots and strengthen the forage base.

The prime minister instructed to continue comprehensive work on the development of livestock in Kazakhstan.

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